Limba/Language: RO EN
  Operatiuni Speciale, Intelligence, Avertizari de Integritate, Securitate Globala | Demo Teste, Cursuri, Kituri, Simulari, Exercitii, Resurse de Training si Assessmen | Despre Mirela Minciu (Gilca) -Consultant /Trainer/ Evaluator | Contact | Testimoniale | Blog Mirela Minciu (Gilca)

Managementul conflictelor si al stresului


Resurse de Training si Assessment 

Va invitam sa identificati o serie de instrumente / kituri pe care le puteti utiliza chiar dvs. ca assessor / trainer / consultant in evenimentele pe care le creati sau puteti sa ne solicitati sa va furnizam un eveniment corporate pe baza acestora. Oferta de pret / mai multe detalii puteti solicita pe adresa sau la tel. 0741.097.033



A. CURSURI / TRAINING / WORKSHOP online sau in clasa

·         Navigating Difficult Conversations *

·         Challenging Negative Attitudes at Work *

·         Taking control of conflict *

·         How to Manage Your Emotions *

·         Resilience *


Exercises Collection

·         First Aid For Stress Activity Collection

·         The Nasaga Training Activity Book


Workshop & Assessment

·         Conflict Strategies Inventory

·         Dealing with Conflict Instrument

·         Team Conflict Strategies


B. TESTE COMPORTAMENTALE  in limbile engleza / romana (ideale in identificarea nevoilor de dezvoltare dar si de identificare comportamente abuzive / de victima sau agresor /  pasive, pasiv-agresive sau agresive)

 Copii / Adolescenti / Parinti / Profesori: 

1. Ce liceu / facultate  mi se potriveste? 

2. Portret de Familie: cum suntem? ce putem imbunatati?

3. Ce stil de personalitate de parinte ai?

4. Ce stil de personalitate de profesor ai?

5. Ce stil de Predare ai ca profesor / facilitator

6. Ce stil de invatare ai ca elev/ student / adult


Evaluari comportamentale adolescenti / adulti (ideale in identificarea nevoilor de dezvoltare dar si de identificare comportamente abuzive / de victima sau agresor /  pasive, pasiv-agresive sau agresive):


7.     What's My Communication Style?

8.     Bridging the Communication Divide

9.     What's My Coaching Style?

10.     What's My Leadership Style?

11.     What's My Learning Style?

12.     What's My Selling Style?

13.     What's My Style?

14.     What's My Team Member Style?

15.     What's My Time Style


C. Evaluari individuale si organizationale de tip autoevaluare /  180 / 360 / evaluarea culturii organizationale (ideale in identificarea nevoilor de dezvoltare dar si de identificare comportamente abuzive / de victima sau agresor /  pasive, pasiv-agresive sau agresive):

16.    Accountability Experience Online Assessment Center Credit

17.  Becoming A Customer Service Star Online Assessment Center Credit

18. Benchmarks of Team Excellence - Online Assessment Center Credit for Groups

19. Benchmarks of Team Excellence - Online Assessment Center Credit

20. Change Reaction Online Assessment Center Credit

21. Comprehensive Leader - Online Assessment Center Credit with Feedback  Report

22. Conflict Strategies Inventory 3ed - Online Assessment Center Credit

23. Conflict Strategies Inventory 3ed - Online Self-Study Assessment Center Credit

24. Cross-Cultural Adaptability Inventory - Online Assessment Center Credit

25. Emotional Intelligence Skills Assessment – Online

26. Emotional Intelligence Skills Assessment Online Assessment Center Credit

27. Emotional Intelligence Skills Assessment Online Assessment Center Credit

with Digital Workbook

28. Employee Engagement Management Inventory Online Assessment Center Credit with Feedback Report

29. Extraordinary Teams Inventory - Online Team Assessment

30. Get Fit For Coaching Online Assessment Center Credit

31. Get Fit For Coaching Online Assessment Center Credit with Feedback Report

32. Group Development Assessment Online Assessment Center Credit

33. Interpersonal Influence Inventory Online Assessment Center Credit

34. Leadership Unlimited Profile Online Assessment Center Credit

35. Leading Change at Every Level Online Assessment Center Credit

36. Learning Styles Questionnaire Online Assessment Center Credit

37. Learning to Listen 3ed - Online Assessment Center Credit

38. Learning to Listen 3ed - Online Self-Study Assessment Center Credit

39. Legacy Leadership Competency Inventory Online Assessment Center Credit

40. Legacy Leadership Competency Inventory Online Multi-Rater Assessment Center Credit

41. Mastering the Change Curve Online Assessment Center Credit

42. Matrix Manager Inventory Online Assessment Center Credit

43. Negotiating Style Profile Online Assessment Center Credit

44. Negotiating Style Profile Online Assessment Center Credit with Feedback Report

45. Neurolinguistics Communication Profile Online Assessment Center Credit

46. Personal Style Inventory Online Assessment Center Credit

47. Personality Style at Work Core Profile Online Assessment Center Credit

48.Supervisory Skills Questionnaire 4ed - Online 180° Self-Study Assessment

49. Supervisory Skills Questionnaire 4ed - Online Assessment Center Credit

50. Supervisory Skills Questionnaire 4ed -Online 180° Assessment

51.Team Effectiveness Profile Online Assessment Center Credit

52. Trust: The Ultimate Test Assessment Online Assessment Center Credit





Competenta Colectie de exercitii / versiune / limba Pret Pentru Manageri  Adulti / corporate/ civili / militari       



 Pre-adolescenti 12Y-14Y


8-12 y


6-8 y


4-6 y

LEADERSHIP 22 Training Events For Developing Team Leaders - Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * * *        
  22 Training Events for Developing Team Leaders - Digital Version - eng 100 € * * *        
  Exercitiu (1 buc) personalizat pe categorii varsta copii - Autor Mirela Minciu 15 €     * * * * *
PROBLEM SOLVING & 25 Problem Solving & Decision Making Activities - Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * *          
DECISION MAKING 25 Problem Solving & Decision Making Activities - Digital Version- eng 100 € * *          
  50 Activities for Developing Critical Thinking Skills -  - Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * *          
  50 Activities for Developing Critical Thinking Skills -  - Digital Version - eng 100 € * *          
  Exercitiu (1 buc) personalizat pe categorii varsta copii - Autor Mirela Minciu 15 €     * * * * *
EVALUATION & 58.5 Ways To Improvise In Training - Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * * * * *    
TRAINERS RESOURCES 58.5 Ways To Improvise In Training - Digital Version - eng  100 € * * * * *    
  Compact Cases Activity Collection - Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * *          
  Compact Cases Activity Collection - Digital Version - eng  100 € * *          
  Exercitiu (1 buc) personalizat pe categorii varsta copii - Autor Mirela Minciu 15 €     * * * * *
CUSTOMER SERVICE Customer Service Activities For Training - Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * * /        
  Customer Service Activities For Training - Digital Version 100 € * * /        
  SkillBuilders: 50 Customer Service Activities - Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * * /        
  SkillBuilders: 50 Customer Service Activities - Digital Version 100 € * * /        
  Telephone Skills Training Activity Collection Vol 1 - Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * *          
  Telephone Skills Training Activity Collection Vol 1 - Digital Version 100 € * *          
  Telephone Skills Training Activity Collection Vol 2 - Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * *          
  Telephone Skills Training Activity Collection Vol 2 - Digital Version  100 € * *          
  Exercitiu (1 buc) personalizat pe categorii varsta copii - Autor Mirela Minciu 15 € * * * * * * *
TRAINERS RESOURCES Energizers Activity Book - Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * * * *      
  Energizers Activity Book - Digital Version - eng &ro 100 € * * * *      
  Exercitiu (1 buc) personalizat pe categorii varsta copii - Autor Mirela Minciu 15 €     * * * * *
PERSONALITY Exploring Personal Styles Activity Collection - Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * * * *      
  Exploring Personal Styles Activity Collection - Digital Version 100 € * * * *      
  Personality Style Toolkit Activity Collection - Digital Version - eng &ro 99 € * *          
  Personality Style Toolkit Activity Collection - Digital Version - eng &ro 99 € * *          
  Exercitiu (1 buc) personalizat pe categorii varsta copii - Autor Mirela Minciu 15 €     * * * * *
CONFLICT & STRESS First Aid For Stress Activity Collection - Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * * * *      
  First Aid For Stress Activity Collection - Digital Version 100 € * * * *      
  Exercitiu (1 buc) personalizat pe categorii varsta copii - Autor Mirela Minciu 15 €     * * * * *
COMMUNICATION Pen & Paper Games For Trainers Activity Collection - Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * * * * *    
  Pen & Paper Games For Trainers Activity Collection - Digital Version 100 € * * * * *    
  SkillBuilders: 50 Communication Skills Activities- Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * * * *      
  SkillBuilders: 50 Communication Skills Activities - Digital Version 100 € * * * *      
  Exercitiu (1 buc) personalizat pe categorii varsta copii - Autor Mirela Minciu 15 €     * * * * *
SELLING Sales Training Activity Collection- Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * * *        
  Sales Training Activity Collection - Digital Version 100 € * * *        
  Exercitiu (1 buc) personalizat pe categorii varsta copii - Autor Mirela Minciu 15 €     * * * * *
TEAM Team Development Activities For Trainers- Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * * * *      
  Team Development Activities For Trainers - Digital Version 100 € * * * *      
  Teambook Activity Collection- Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * * * *      
  Teambook Activity Collection - Digital Version 100 € * * * *      
  Teambuilders Activity Collection- Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * * * *      
  Teambuilders Activity Collection - Digital Version 100 € * * * *      
  Pump Them Up Activity Collection- Digital Version - eng &ro 150 € * * *        
  Pump Them Up Activity Collection - Digital Version 100 € * * *        
  Exercitiu (1 buc) personalizat pe categorii varsta copii - Autor Mirela Minciu 15 €     * * * * *








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Resurse De Training

LEADERSHIP si MANAGEMENT: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
COMUNICARE: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
Business Games - Jocuri de invatare
INTELIGENTA EMOTIONALA: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
MANAGEMENTUL CONFLICTELOR SI AL STRESULUI: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
DIVERSITATEA SI HARTUIREA:cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
MANAGEMENTUL TIMPULUI: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
TEAM BUILDING: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
MANAGEMENTUL SCHIMBARII: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
MANAGEMENT DE PROIECT: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
ANALIZA, LUARE DECIZII, REZOLVARE PROBLEME: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
EVALUAREA SI DEZVOLTAREA PERFORMANTEI: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
VANZARE: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
DEZVOLTARE ORGANIZATIONALA: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
CUSTOMER SERVICE: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
NEGOCIERE: kituri, resurse, cursuri, teste, activitati, jocuri
CREATIVITATE SI INOVATIE: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
COACHING: cursuri, exercitii, evaluari, kituri, resurse, teste, activitati, jocuri
Evaluari de selectie, competente si instrumente HR (180, 360 grade)
Exercitii pentru Evaluare si Training
Simulari, Situatii, Scenarii de Business (28)
Arhiva Evenimente, Cursuri, Coaching
DEKON a devenit partener HRDQ
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